zondag, april 29, 2007


Je hebt Frank Zappa en Suzy Creamcheese : "These Mothers is crazy. You can tell by their clothes. One guy wears beads and they all smell bad. We were gonna get them for a dance after the basketball game but my best pal warned me you can never tell how many will show up...sometimes the guy in the fur coat doesn't show up and sometimes he does show up only he brings a big bunch of crazy people with him and they dance all over the place. None of the kids at my school like these Mothers...specially since my teacher told us what the words to their songs meant.
Sincerely forever,
Suzy Creamcheese
Salt Lake City, Utah."

...en je hebt Dinsosaur Junior :
Seen enough to eye you
But Ive seen to much to try you
Its always weirdness while you
Dig it much too much to fry you
The weirdness flows between us
Anyone can tell to see us
Freak scene just cant believe us
Why cant it just be cool and free us?

Seen enough to eye you
But Ive seen to much to try you
Its always weirdness while you
Dig it much too much to fry you
The weirdness flows between us
Anyone can tell to see us
Freak scene just cant believe us
Why cant it just be cool and leave us?

Its so fucked I cant believe it
If theres a way I wish wed see it
How could it work just cant conceive it
Oh what a mess its just to leave it

Sometimes I dont thrill you
Sometimes I think Ill kill you
Just dont let me fuck up will you
cause when I need a friend its still you

What a mess

Geniet van de zon, lieve lezers

1 reacties:

Blogger Franky zei...

Good old Dinosaur Jr. Rake tekst.

Van het zonnige weer ga ik nu verder genieten, tot later.

4:28 p.m.  

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